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Friday, April 22, 2011

Needed Update

I have not been posting recipes lately. I haven't been taking pictures of my food to be honest. Everything I have made since my last post has either come from Vegan on the Cheap or The Everything Vegan Cookbook. 2 books that no vegan should be without.

I have to go back a read that section I wrote about Skinny Bitch Bun in the oven. Yes, I am pregnant! The next 28 weeks-ish will probably be pregnancy related or raising a vegan child related. We mentioned it to the OB at our last appointment because Evan is worried about it, as long as I can keep my prenatals down with the folic acid, DHA and B12, I'm good. To be honest, I probably eat better than most of her patients, I am not worried at all. To keep Evan happy, I will do a little more research. I have been craving apples and oranges. Weird. I am not interested in salads, but want stir fry for dinner every night. As long as I'm not eating junk and emply calories, I'm good.

I've been doing a lot of yoga lately. I guess it comes with the all natural stuff. I'm about to start being one of those girls that doesn't wear bras, because none of mine fit right anymore and I'm in a lot of pain. Silly boobs, growing before my tummy. The only cleaning supplies I buy anymore are dish soap and laundry detergent and those are all natural. Vinegar cleans everything and I think it's helping get rid of my ants.

We are in the process of buying a house. This is going to be a big process or making an organic home that will probably cause quite a few fights between Evan and I. Organic and natural seem to be a bit more expensive. I already picked out all the appliences, as energy saving and water saving as I could without spending a rediculous amount of money. Most of the house is wood panels so there won't be much painting until we rip it down and throw up dry wall. We're only doing the kitchen and one bathroom, then moving it and doing one room at a time. I will post constantly, I'm sure with the things we choose. I know we are going with ikea cabinets, but not much else has been chosen yet. I'm an super excited!

1 comment:

  1. This is a very good introduction to vegan recipes and I have tried a number of them with success. She totally ignores coconut oil, though, which is the healthiest oil to use. Also disappointed that she uses white flour because white flour only turns to sugar in your body; there is no nutritional value in it. I've worked the recipes around my needs with success.
