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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A website of inspiration and setting goals

Happy Simple Living
The home page got me. These are her goals, which I absolutely agree with. (That I also can't get anywhere near until we move and settle in the new house, which by the way is driving me crazy!)

Simple Living: My Top Goals

Having peace and laughter in our home
Living in a healthy, uncluttered environment
Being debt free and a good steward of our finances
Living lightly on the planet
Giving back

In my Kiwi Magazine, I recently read an article about non-GMO foods. (Genetically Modified) They are altering DNA of plants (the big ones are corn and soy, but there are others), so that they are resistant to certain pestisides. This way they can spray to kill the weeds but not harm the plants. Which in turn means they are spraying more chemicals on the plants we are eating. There are also DNA altered plants to produce more and bigger or juicier or more colorful fruit. Changing the plant to give the farmer a higher yeild and to make the consumer more attracted to it. There is no long term study (because it's still new) showing that these foods are bad for the human body, but there has been studies showing that it's bad for mice, altering the DNA and the chemistry of the blood. The worst part is, you can't just buy organic, assuming it's safe. There is a nonGMO project that is trying to get things labeled, but at this point things are not yet required to say whether they are GM or not.

The Happy Dinple Living Blog has an interesting article on this subject as well. She saw on the label of Rumford Baking Powder, Cornstarch from non-genetically modified corn. Good to know. Next time I need baking powder, Rumford it is. She also explains that in a study done by CBS, 65% of products in the grocery store have DNA-altered ingredients. Yuck! No wonder there are things like fibromyalgia, and RA and more and more chronic diseases showing up. We can't just eat natural, real natural food. Being vegan does cut out a lot of that GM food, but definately not all of it.

Also on this site, if you click on Our Green Path, there is a long list of things to do to lessen your footprint. New ideas are always welcome. Especially since I just bought this awful, no where near efficiant home. I am finding that I am constantly areguing with Hubby over which materials to use and which things need fixed asap, and which can wait. We have recently just about run out of money. Now is the time to sit down and prioritize. But I'd have to find a time without fire calls, when neither of us are working, and our child isn't tugging on the leg of my pants, the maybe we can talk. The time will come eventually, and I will post all about it.

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